The Benefits
- Detoxification — eliminates toxins in the body from the environment, food, drugs, preservatives, chemicals etc. by activating this most important eliminative channel
- Aids Liver Detoxification
- Increases vitality and energy
- Clarity of Mind — No more Brain fog
- Weight loss and management — by activating elimination
- Improves metabolism
- Relaxation and ease of the nervous system
- Reduces stress
- Boosts Immune System
- Clear skin
- Prevention from colon cancer and many other chronic diseases
- Removal of excess yeast, worms, unfriendly bacteria, and parasites
- Relief from long-term symptoms and illnesses: IBS, constipation, bloating, gas/wind, indigestion, abdominal pain
- Sense of well-being
- Relief in emergency situations such as severe constipation or diarrhoea
- Assists in removing accumulated waste material from the colon — sometimes up to 7-10 kg worth!
- Stimulates normal and natural peristalsis
- Improves blood circulation
- Improves abdominal muscle tone — due to reducing intestinal residues/waste
- Anti-Aging — creates an increase in mental capacity and rejuvenation since it decreases the degenerative process
- Removal of unwanted pressure to surrounding organs — as the volume of the colon reduces, due to removal of the unwanted accumulated waste, pressure is relieved from surrounding organs like the liver, heart and lungs
- Rejuvenates the Colon — its function, physiology and tone as toxins are removed
- Hydration — besides storing the material to be eliminated, another important function of the large intestine is to absorb water. As water is introduced into the colon, some of it is absorbed through its walls and transported into the blood, thus hydrating the body.
- May help prepare for a medical procedure such as colonoscopy
- Assistance in making lifestyle and/or dietary changes, such as becoming a vegan
- Reduces negative side effects from prescription drugs
- Helps to restore original colon shape and motility —when there are problems in the intestine, waste may accumulate. The colon will enlarge to accommodate the accumulating toxic waste and can lose its original shape or tone.
- Deeper breathing and more freedom of movement within the chest and diaphragm
- Benefits the hips and lumbar regions of the spine by reducing pressure on the nerves
The colon, just like the feet, hands, and ears also has Reflexology points along the organ. By introducing water into the large intestine we can stimulate the colon reflexes which benefits the entire body in positive ways.
"Basic health begins with colon care." -- Edgar Cayce
Private and Professional Colon Hydrotherapy Room at Aroha Health Spa, Pohara, Golden Bay
Suzanne talks about curing her Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Ronald Wempen talks about Colonics and the clearing of Parasites
Disclaimer: Thrive Therapies' services are not intended to replace the relationship you have with your primary health care provider, and we do not give medical advice. It is important to always consult with your doctor if you have concerns prior to making changes in your current health care regimen. We encourage you to be open to new information on the effectiveness of Colon Hydrotherapy, as well as the critical role diet, exercise, stress management and positive surroundings play in your overall health and wellness. The information and services provided at Thrive Therapies is not used to prescribe, recommend, diagnose, treat or cure a health problem or a disease. We are not a substitute for medical care and Shanti Smith is not a Medical Doctor. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult with your primary health care provider. We make no claims in the above general statements. They are simply a collection of feedback from actual clients and cases.