Naturopathy - Nature Cure
Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of complementary or alternative medicine employing a wide array of holistic treatments, including but not limited to herbalism, iridology, massage, reflexology, and acupuncture, as well as diet and lifestyle counseling (See below for a list of techniques and practices). Naturopaths favor a holistic approach with non-invasive treatments, while generally avoiding the use of surgery and pharmaceutical drugs if possible. A hair analysis or other functional test may be incorporated and utilised to determine any toxic overloads, parasites, toxins, nutritional deficiencies, radiation, state of the body systems, etc. I use hormone, microbiome and many other blood, saliva, and urine testing methods.
Naturopathic philosophy is based on a strong belief in nature and self-healing, and practitioners often prefer methods of treatment that complement and encourage the body's natural healing mechanisms. It is imperative to uncover the causes of dis-ease and imbalance, rather than just treat the symptoms. In conventional medicine often only the symptoms are treated which masks the true causes of disease.
"Naturopathy recognizes cause and cure of disease within the whole person: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It works with natural laws of living and the principles of purification, rejuvenation and transformation processes to create effective programs that utilize diet, lifestyle, emotional healing, supportive Naturopathic therapies for acute and chronic conditions, Self-Healing processes, exercise, breathing, loving thoughts, awareness of relationships, and respect for the environment." --Dr. Farida Sharan, Director of the School of Natural Medicine in Boulder, Colorado
Every individual person is unique and treated as such. The body’s constitution and genetic predispositions are explored, using Iridology, to determine what a person needs to regain balance, harmony, and vitality. Ultimately, to determine what they need to THRIVE! Herbs, essential oils, flower essences, complementary therapies, and other naturopathic treatments are recommended, as well as healing diets, live and fermented foods, nutrition, and herbal formulas to balance the constitution and support specific body systems and organs.
Shanti offers an extensive range of therapeutic grade herbal tinctures to support your individual constitution.
Naturopathic philosophy is based on a strong belief in nature and self-healing, and practitioners often prefer methods of treatment that complement and encourage the body's natural healing mechanisms. It is imperative to uncover the causes of dis-ease and imbalance, rather than just treat the symptoms. In conventional medicine often only the symptoms are treated which masks the true causes of disease.
"Naturopathy recognizes cause and cure of disease within the whole person: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It works with natural laws of living and the principles of purification, rejuvenation and transformation processes to create effective programs that utilize diet, lifestyle, emotional healing, supportive Naturopathic therapies for acute and chronic conditions, Self-Healing processes, exercise, breathing, loving thoughts, awareness of relationships, and respect for the environment." --Dr. Farida Sharan, Director of the School of Natural Medicine in Boulder, Colorado
Every individual person is unique and treated as such. The body’s constitution and genetic predispositions are explored, using Iridology, to determine what a person needs to regain balance, harmony, and vitality. Ultimately, to determine what they need to THRIVE! Herbs, essential oils, flower essences, complementary therapies, and other naturopathic treatments are recommended, as well as healing diets, live and fermented foods, nutrition, and herbal formulas to balance the constitution and support specific body systems and organs.
Shanti offers an extensive range of therapeutic grade herbal tinctures to support your individual constitution.
What is Naturopathy?
A traditional medicine based on the following principles:
- “First, do no harm”
- Prevention is better than cure
- Treat the whole person (body, mind, emotions, spirit)
- Cooperate with the healing powers of nature; activate the body’s innate healing forces
- Identify, and focus treatment on the cause, rather than the symptoms, of disease
- Do not use treatments that suppress symptoms
- Use only treatments that are found in the natural world and to which the human body has adapted through millennium
- Doctor as Teacher – Educate the patient so that they are empowered to participate in prevention of future health problems through healthy diet and lifestyle choices
Naturopaths are trained to refer patients when:
- Client illness or injury is beyond the scope of Naturopathic modalities
- Practitioner is aware the patient’s needs are best met by the skills of another therapist, practitioner or physician
- If, after a reasonable period of treatment, the client symptoms have not improved, or if symptoms have worsened
Naturopathy utilizes nature's healing ability to cure and includes the following modalities, techniques and name just a few:
Saunas, sweats, and steams
Herbal Poultices
Herbal Medicine
Healing Diets & Nutrition
Flower Essences
Hair Analysis Testing
Microbiome Testing
Other Functional Testing -- for heavy metals, food intolerances, gut issues, hormonal imbalances etc.
Breath work
Meditation & Rest
Bodywork -- reflexology, massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, cranial sacral therapy
Energy healing
Castor oil packs
Skin brushing
Healing baths and hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy/Colonics/Colonic Irrigation
Detoxification programs
Body wraps
Emotional clearing
Air, Sun, & Water
Rebounder -- to move the lymph
Saunas, sweats, and steams
Herbal Poultices
Herbal Medicine
Healing Diets & Nutrition
Flower Essences
Hair Analysis Testing
Microbiome Testing
Other Functional Testing -- for heavy metals, food intolerances, gut issues, hormonal imbalances etc.
Breath work
Meditation & Rest
Bodywork -- reflexology, massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, cranial sacral therapy
Energy healing
Castor oil packs
Skin brushing
Healing baths and hydrotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy/Colonics/Colonic Irrigation
Detoxification programs
Body wraps
Emotional clearing
Air, Sun, & Water
Rebounder -- to move the lymph
Farida Sharan, ND, gives valuable insight:
Farida Sharan, Naturopath gives a valuable insight as to how she regards herbs as fortified foods. Dr Sharan also shares her personal journey with the use of herbs to treat breast cancer in the 1960's. She also imparts a positive future for herbs and herbalism despite the difficulties regulation periodically presents. Shanti was trained by Farida at the School of Natural Medicine.