10 days ON, rest for 10 days, then another 10 days ON Rid the body of invaders with powerful anti-parasitic herbs
Parasite Cleanse Program will include:
500ml Parasite Cleansing Herbal Remedy
3 professional Colon Hydrotherapy sessions
Positive affirmations and interesting health related articles will be sent to you via email every few days.
You will enjoy unlimited contact and support from me as you need it during the week and I will be checking in with each participant every few days by phone and/or email.
Special Discounted price $210 Price with colonics $395 At least Half Payment must be made prior to commencing. Payment plans can be arranged on an individual basis. Course fee is 100% non-refundable.
Options available at additional cost:
Lugol's Iodine
Oregano oil capsules
Grapefruit seed extract
Kyolic Garlic capsules
To reserve your space please contact me by email or phone